Thank you for your interest in our Directory.

Your listings page includes; your logo, banner, about us biography text, services, features, videos, images, testimonials, hours, contact details, information, job vacancies, FAQs, contact form, and inclusion in Planning AI suggestions when users ask about trade and business services.

We're looking forward to learning more about your services — as one of our esteemed partners — to promote you on the Planning website, our social media pages, and through the many planning enquiries we anticipate.

To get started, please complete all fields, as best you can, and we’ll onboard your business asap…

Directory Application Form

Any details you don't have to hand or time for, just skip, and we can gather them from your website and social media pages.

Help us understand your offering, to then help make it findable for all relevant search terms.
If unavailable, we can also get this from your website or social media pages.
Any out of hours services, contact instructions.
Help us understand your target audience, to help us with creating your page to include all relevant key words
Are you recruiting? Tell us more, to help spread the word on these opportunities, too. It's often good to have these detailed, even if not immediate, as you may need more contacts quicker than you think.

All answers in confidence, to help us understand how else we may be able to help you from sharing our own experience of each.
What else should we know? To help us in helping you and your audience.

Account Contact

Your contact details for previewing your directory listing before going live, and ongoing updates.

Your account username must be unique, and cannot be changed later. Often people just use their firstnamelastname as one word.
Help us understand your needs from our website and services.
Do you prefer email or phone? When are the best times to call?