Love Jersey app in association with the Love Clean Streets app

Social street cleaning
Well-maintained and clean streets make us all feel safe, happy, and proud.
With advancements in technology, innovative solutions have emerged to empower the public and local authorities in the fight against litter and waste.
The Love Jersey app, by Love Clean Streets, is at the forefront of this movement, revolutionising the way cleanliness issues are dealt with by your local authority. By leveraging the power of digital engagement and data analytics, this app is transforming spaces into cleaner, greener, and more sustainable environments.
Smartphone reporting app
The Love Jersey app empowers the public to take an active role in maintaining their local communities and simplifies the process of reporting environmental issues. With just a few taps on their smartphones, users can effortlessly document instances of litter, broken street lights, graffiti, pot-holes or any other concerns they come across.
The Love Jersey app allows the user to geotag the issue, attach photos, and provide a brief description of the issue, ensuring the problem is accurately conveyed to the relevant authorities.
Real-time collaboration
Love Clean Streets can foster real-time collaboration. Once a report is submitted, it is immediately visible to the appropriate authority, who can then take swift action to address the issue.
Love Jersey is part of the Love Clean Streets app network. It can be accessed via the Love Jersey website, or via the Love Clean Streets app — available on both iPhone and Android, and free to use!
Love Jersey app by Love Clean Streets – screenshots
How does the Love Clean Streets app work for Jersey?
Open the app store on your mobile device (Google Play Store for Android or App Store for IOS) and search for “Love Clean Streets” then install or go to the Love Jersey website.
From both the Love Jersey app and the Love Jersey website, you can create a report to address the issue/s.
When using the Love Jersey app, ensure that you have given it permission to access your location.
To complete the report, the following information will be required:
- Photographs (where possible)
- Report Location
- The issue (there is a list of categories to choose from)
- A brief description
It's that simple.📍
The Love Jersey app is recommended 👍
At we highly recommend the Love Jersey app and Love Clean Streets website.
Our team is deeply committed to preserving and safeguarding our local environment — and we are inspired every day by the community spirit and pride we are blessed with in Jersey.